Friday, May 26, 2017

Meet Baby Jeremy!

  Hi readers! My family has grown by two feet and one heart, and I am so excited to introduce the newest member to you. Jeremy was born 6:45pm on April 16th 2017 (Easter Sunday). The story of Jeremy's birth sounds almost like a movie. From the dramatic way my labor started down to its triumphant end. The journey of pregnancy is such a glorious and exciting journey. When I look back at the memories I have of my pregnant days, I feel the waves of emotions I passed through over the months. My advice to all expecting mommies, enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible because nine months goes by so quickly. 
 Jeremy is the most peaceful spirit and I am so pleased and blessed to be his mother. 
Please do me  favor and welcome my beautiful baby boy to the world!



  1. I was literally just thinking about you yesterday. So glad to see this post. God bless you and your little one. Congrats :)

    1. Aww thank you so much for sticking with me through my extremely long break. I am so grateful. God bless you too.

  2. Congratulations.Cute baby you have.Why did you stop blogging?

    1. Thank you darling. Honestly I just got too busy. And I kind of noticed that people don’t really read blogs anymore.


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