Sunday, April 10, 2016

This Week Try To Live For You!

Happy Sunday sunshines! I can feel the cool breeze of the new week already hitting my cheek! This week looks like a splendid one. It's almost hard to believe that we're already in the month of April. Just few weeks ago I was back home in Nigeria welcoming in the new year with my family. Now Easter is over and we're almost half way through the year.

In this upcoming week I think it's important for us all to take in one tip, and dwell on it. A lot of us are stressing about decisions of our lives, and feel the weight and pressure to please every one around us. But we need to realize that you can never please everyone around you. The only person you can completely please is yourself. So this week, let's all take it upon ourselves to live for us and us alone. Not in a selfish "forget about everyone" kind of way. But more in a I need to live MY OWN life kind of way. 

Hope you all have great weeks that will please you in different ways. And remember to always remain beautiful/ handsome. 


  1. Very inspiring. Feel so emboldened and inspired by this post. Lol I don't even know why! Maybe cause I just celebrated my birthday. Aries yay!

  2. Yes one gets into that trap of trying to please everyone.thanks for reminding me that i don't have to please everyone


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