Sunday, January 26, 2014

Would You Want Your Man to Kneel Down and Ask You To Marry Him?


 This one is for the ladies (men you are free to chip in with your opinions too). Most ladies dream to one day be a beautiful bride. We all have different unique views for how big or small we want our wedding to be, to what color or design we want our dress to have. But in spite of all those lovely thoughts, has anyone thought about how they want to be proposed to and in what manner?
The traditional proposal is to get down on one knee, pop open the ring box and say "will you marry me?" But what does it really mean for a man to get down on his knees and ask a woman to marry him? At least what does it mean to you?
    To me it is a symbol of submission. He is submitting to his lady, by decreasing his height and showing her that she is the queen of his world. I also see it as a form of begging. Kind of like he is begging her to say yes. So if you are asking me whether or not I want my man to kneel, I say "HECK YEAH!" He better get on his knees! and he better have a camera crew to catch it too! lol. But jokes aside. Ladies would you want your man to kneel down when asking you to marry him? One knee, two knees? Or do you not care? Also fellas let us know what your take is on kneeling down to ask your lady to marry you. What does it mean from a man's perspective?
Light up that discussion box.


  1. I won't be kneeing down on my own day definitely

  2. can't wait for my own day to come . Elo

  3. When I think about it I really don't care If he kneels or not. Though it would be really nice if he did , t kind of shows a little humbleness.

    1. Well spoken, it shouldnt really matter, but around here ( in my world), there's no option. HE MUST!! Lol

    2. I would get down on both knees and beg you :-)

    3. Haha. I can't say I would be mad at that! Right Crystal? =D


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